17 October 2008

Contributing to The Delinquency of a Minor (voter)
I have four beautiful children; all of whom are to some extent nosey, so if I’m having a conversation about one of their teachers I have to be very careful if they’re in the room. If I think one of their teachers is racist or racially insensitive I have to be careful not to say it in front of that particular child because they are likely to repeat it to other classmates; white and black. The other problem is that I can cause my child (dren) to become prejudiced against all people considered white, and they may act out aggressively on that prejudice. As their father, I am accountable for their actions. For this same reason, John McCain should not have expected Obama to “repudiate these outrageous and divisive comments”, but he should have apologized for as Rep. John Lewis implied creating the “climate and the conditions that encouraged vicious attacks.”
If you get a chance this weekend, check out Search Me Lord for a little deeper look at Accountability.

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Attorneymom said...

Sam, I am back, as you already know. I guess I am like Jay-Z, I don't know how to retire.

I love this blog. You have a beautiful family.

SLC said...

Glad it was a vacation and not a retirement. You're a blessing and 1/2. You must be in rap mode (Jay Z, Female Rappers). Have a blessed week AM.

Shanita Waters said...

Thank God for wisdom! I love your blogs and what you are doing!

I agree with you 100% about not having the conversations about the possibility of the teachers being racist in front of the children. I witnessed firsthand a parent accuse a teacher in front of their child of being a racist. The child is a racist until this day and there isn't anyone can tell him (save God Himself) to convince the child that all non-black people are not racist against blacks.

As for the Obama situation...I'm not even going to go there. (LOL) But I will say that if he was white there wouldn't have been any discussion of him being a terroist considering Bush's relationship with the Bin Laden family and no one questioned his patriotism.

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