Child Rearing Prayer Request Part 1 - Train UP!
Train up a child in the way he should go:
and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6 KJV
and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6 KJV
You can hear something all of your life, like the scripture above, but never really hear it. Some time ago I was trying to give Godly counsel to someone who was having problems with their teen. This was a healthy teen with raging hormones and no regard for authority especially parental authority. Through our discussion, I realized that these issues were not new, but had been present since the teen was a child. Only now that the issues were embarrassing and the potential consequences for the teen severe was the parent trying to uuuuhhhmmmm be a a parent.
It was at that point that I heard Proverbs 22:6 again; yet for the first time. It says train up a child. The key words being UP and CHILD. Don't wink at the shenanigans of a child but train them to know that some things won't be tolerated. Let them know as a child that their cuteness does not exempt them from being held accountable, nor keep them from being punished. Remember the old saying, the bigger they are the harder they fall and apply it to spiritual situations. Deal with that attitude while they're small, so you won't be fighting them off when they're big. Teach your child now, so you don't have to cast a demon out of your teen later. Give the child the Word of God as a child so they'll have the power to resist the devil and make him flee as a teen.
Pray for me that I practice what I've preached for my four. This may sound crazy but they don't deserve to have their way. God deserves to have his.
I thank GOD that although I didn't raise my children on GOD's word, they are making a contribution to society, they are respectful of their elders and GOD forbid, if I should pass tomorrow, they will survive on the love I fed them all these years. My prayer now is that they turn to GOD as I have and that they learn that he is their strength, not me. I can try to listen and try to understand and hope that my love shows no conditions, but ultimately, I want them to know that only GOD can feed their soul and uncondtional forgiveness. Lastly, I want them to know that I want us to have the biggest family reunion ever in HEAVEN (smile)
PS let me know when you're offering your next class on webdesign (smile) I love the layout of this post, love it!
Hello there!
This is truly profound.
So many parents I have spoken with in the church will say "I thought I taught my children well but..." and they shake their heads.
The reality is...we can't TALK about what we DON'T PRACTICE daily. There are so many children in church who "grow up in the church" but being in church year after year does not MEAN that their intimacy with God has grown....or that they even have a relationship with God simply because we teach them how to sing praises and how to read the scripture.
So many parents to do not model a deepening relationship with God and FULL surrender to God. This is vitally important.
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